Backyard Conservation || Backyard Bird Count

A global backyard bird count is about to take place! Every year in the winter is the "Great Backyard Bird Count"! This count is available to anyone who can participate all over the world. The best ways to participate is by using the app eBird or Merlin Bird ID. The count is easy to get involved in- you can do it from your kitchen window or your favorite hiking trail and it's a great wintertime activity to get the kids involved in. All it takes is 15 minutes of bird watching (more time is even better!), identify the birds and count them, when you are done just submit your data because scientists actually use this information all over the world! 

It is helpful to participate at least once over the four days, February 14–17, 2025.

You can identify all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location, this is a great opportunity to brush up on your birding skills by studying calls and plumage before you start the count. 

"You can start entering bird lists at midnight local time on the first day of the count, anywhere in the world. Data entry remains open until March 1, but the information you enter should only be from the four days of the Great Backyard Bird Count." -Cornell Lab of Ornithology 

Here in the Upper Peninsula you may find birds such as: 

Snowy Owl, Northern Hawk Owl, Northern Shrike, Pine Grosbeak, Sharp-tailed Grouse, crossbills, Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, and Purple Finch. Depending on location.

My first time I actually remember caring about bird watching was with my grandma looking out her kitchen window. We liked to watch the birds at the feeders and see the pretty colors and feisty behaviors. When a squirrel came by and chastised the birds was my favorite part. When I got older and had some opportunities to GO "birding" a memory that sticks out in my mind is walking through a tallgrass prairie with sparce old trees along edges with the snow falling in huge flakes that you can actually hear. There the flash of the red northern cardinal stood out amongst the branches of the trees, the common raven flying away, and a bald eagle. 

Since then I have certainly paid more attention to birds, they are always there and if you are looking for a good way to get into conservation birds are a way to start- right in your own backyard.


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