Backyard Conservation || Winterize your Yard for Wildlife
When the harsh UP Winter arrives and we are couped up inside more than usual it can be a refreshing sight to see and hear wildlife active in your yard. There are a few things you can do to encourage wintertime visitors to your yard as not all yards will seem so "welcoming" to little critters. Things like keeping available food and water as well as providing some type of shelter type structure will be good places to start. Food It's not uncommon to feed birds- especially in the Winter. It is good to pick a food that has a high fat content for the birds during this time of year so suet feeders are a great choice. You can also use pine cones and roll it in peanut butter and bird seed so the seeds stick and the birds have a interactive feeder. This is a great choice if you're on a budget and are looking for a zero waste option. If you want to see more squirrels you can make a squirrel feeder which can be as simple as a corn cob placed in a tree or an all you can eat squ...